5 Steps to mint USD cashu tokens

You are going to mint USD cashu tokens by paying a lightning invoice from the mint using any cashu wallet that supports USD unit. For testing purposes, Please use the cashu wallet at https://wallet.cashu.me/

Step 1: Copy mint URL

Copy the mint URL https://stablenut.umint.cash by going back to the home page and click the "Cashu wallet" button

Screenshot of dashboard

Step 2: Paste the mint url in the cashu wallet

Paste the mint url in the Add mint text box and click the plus button and then "Add Mint" button

Screenshot of dashboard

Step 3: Click BTC to switch it to USD unit and then lightning

Screenshot of dashboard

Step 4: Click the receive button and enter 0.1 for 10 cents and hit create invoice button

Screenshot of dashboard

Step 5: Pay the invoice using any lightning wallet to see the balance and cashu tokens.

Screenshot of dashboard